
Consent on collection/use of personal information

1. Objective of collecting personal information and its usage
INFAC does not collect unnecessary information other than those required to provide services to its members (excluding extra information in addition to mandatory ones to provide special services). All information collected from members is used only for services, functions, notice on promotional events and other marketing activities encourage higher customer loyalty via surveys, promotions, advertisements, e-mails and co-promotion with allied partners. ]
2. Safety measures to protect personal information of members
Personal information of members is accessed only when a member has logged in with his/her ID and password. Therefore, each member is responsible for his/her ID and password. A member’s personal information can be revised and searched by authorized personnel only in special circumstances.
3. Procedures to access and revise member information
Members can access their personal information provided to INFAC and hold right to demand that the information be revised and deleted (including right to withdraw membership). Member information can be accessed and revised at any time at ‘change personal information (change member information’ menu and ‘member center’ based on a set of procedures (member cannot revise ID, name or resident registration number as it is in violation of member real-name policy).
4. Consent on collection of personal information
INFAC deems that a customer willing to join as a member has agreed to collection of his/her personal information by clicking button to INFAC Guidelines on Protection and Use of Personal Information.
5. Membership and withdrawal
A member should consent to ‘Terms and Conditions’ to become a member. He/she should go through the procedures to discard his/her personal information and lapse his/her right as a member to withdraw membership, which is handled by INFAC upon request. (*Note: all customer information and records are irreversibly discarded and rights to ID and all other information are lapsed upon withdrawal. Any member willing to withdraw should decide with prudence information is irreversible.)
6. Period of holding and using personal information, sharing with third parties
INFAC deems that a customer willing to join as a member has agreed to collection of his/her personal information by clicking button to INFAC Guidelines on Protection and Use of Personal Information.

Supplementary rule
This regulation is effective from Jan. 1, 2014.

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